Friday, December 27, 2013

Finding Cinderella

So, how does one get back to becoming inspired? To go back to drawing and sketching? I went back to the foundations. Literally, drawing the basic shapes, shading and practicing the values. Then I started to draw just about what I saw in front for the sake of practice only. I didn't worry about documentation nor story. Sometimes one just needs to draw in a vegetation mode till the ink catches on and wakes up. Then everything happens as a reflex and before you know it, you will have several pages filled with what's happening around you, along with a story to tell. So I guess the point I'm trying to make is that no matter what, don't stop drawing, even when you don't feel inspired. Practice, practice, practice- you never know when inspiration hits you. 

This sketch above was done, when I got lost downtown - trying to find a way back to the freeway. Found myself in a remote, empty, scary underpass. And then suddenly I saw it! A white carriage , Cinderella's Carriage ~ I had to draw it!! 
So what have you been doing to find inspiration?

1 comment:

  1. Hi again!
    Hope I'm not overdoing it--already made a comment on your Jan.15 post. But just HAD to say how much I love this one. If more of us could find the extraordinary in "everyday matters" the world would change for the better, I think.
    I keep lots of pictures and symbols (and music--usually classical) around to inspire me. I find such things as the juxtaposition of a miniature cottage on a pile of scholarly books and not being too tidy (wish I were, but I'm not) will suddenly light something in me and I'm off to that twilight world--another idea for a drawing, painting, collage. This will often take up the rest of the day--the carriage awaits!

    Thanks again,
